Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MarioKarting After the Last Show!

So BBB show day is never complete until we play MarioKart after the show. And last night was not an exception! As usual we play for punishments so here are some that happened last night.

Incase u guys didn't here... we just found that bottle of pop in the radio jock lounge when we got there... it's pretty nasty that we don't know who it belonged to :S

BBB's Last Show of the Semester

Alright so as you all know, we had our last show of the semester last night :( Incase you were one of the lame people that had to miss it and didn't get a chance to tune into our live stream here are some videos we made during the show!

For those of you that don't know... LF, jen and I have been making MarioKart a little more interesting by adding punishments to those who come in last. Last week i posted a video of jen feeding LF some cheese and carrots :D. Anywho jen lost another one and because of that she had to get a makeover live on our last show so here's the video for you guys to check out!

Because it was our last night of BBB I thought it would be a great idea to bring some goodies such as cupcakes and cookies... CLEARLY that was not a good idea at all :(

Friday, April 17, 2009

BBB doing some production!

The semester and the school year is coming to an end... And since our school is giving away "star awards" we at BBB think we would be an excellent candidate to win best after hours show. So while we worked hard on our submission (aka LF working hard and jen and i just goofing off) I made some quick little videos so u guys can feel like you were part of the process.

The first video is the punishment jen got for losing a round of mario kart... and that as to spoon feed LF his lunch!

This next video is strange lil jen eating her kiwi in a strange lil way...

So stay tuned BBB fans! More punishment videos coming your way!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LF, VICKYT, AND ......?

For two semesters now, LF and vickyT have had names they are known by on the radio. But I have been just known as Jen. So we're trying something new here at BBB, we are gunning for a new name for me for next semester! So let Bento Boombox know what you think and post your name ideas here!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


April 6th marks a new chapter in the Bento Boombox book. Thats right, The Greater Good, has been crowned as the offical BBB house banddd!! We invited them down to the studio this past monday and we all kicked it on air with some conversation, killer music, and even a bit of freestyling.

If you guys missed out on the episode, check it out on our new podcasting site


And don't forget to bookmark The Greater Good's page for music, upcoming shows, and all you need to get your TGG fix.
